
A Book Into Their Minds

Backdrop Books shows you the books owned by people you know. Consciously placed or not, the books in a person’s backdrop (be it on a bookshelf, a table, or anywhere else) reveals personal inspirations, introspections, and interests, giving us a look into their minds.

People are becoming more comfortable broadcasting/streaming or being interviewed from the their homes/offices.  Social media usage is also pervasive across a significant part of the population.  This offers the curious an unprecedented view into people’s lives.

Backdrop Books looks for the books public figures actually have in their homes/offices.  To do so, we analyze publicly available videos and social media posts.  We value evidence and getting things right, so we’ve indicated all the books we identified in the pictures we provide (along with sources).  We also look at some of the authors of the backdrop books we identify and show you the books that these authors recommend (along with sources).

You Can Contribute and Help

Did you recognize a book we didn’t identify?  Do you know where we could find a clearer or a different backdrop picture to analyze?  Do you have a backdrop picture you’d like us to analyze or a person to look up?  Let us know via our CONTACT page or email us.

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